
   Photo/Pexels《孤独星球》刚刚发布了2024年最佳旅游目的地榜单,快加入你的心愿清单吧!Get your wishlist fired up, Lonely Planet just revealed its top travel destinations for the year ahead.高居榜首的最佳旅游国家是蒙古,《孤独星球》对这个选择给出的理由是“开阔的空间、刺激的户外活动、独特的美食和音乐文化”。蒙古是全世界人口最稀少的国家,蒙古政府正打算促进人口增长。今年蒙古国宣布2023年至2025年是“蒙古旅游年”,放宽了外国游客的入境政策,改善了基础设施,包括耗资6.5亿美元建设了一个新机场。The No.1 country is Mongolia, chosen by Lonely Planet for its “wide-open spaces, adventure activities, and distinctive culinary and musical culture.” This is the world’s most sparsely populated country and the Mongolian government is ready to start filling it up a little. This year it declared 2023 through 2025 the “Years to Visit Mongolia,” easing entry conditions for international travelers and improving infrastructure, not least with a new $650 million airport.其他跻身榜单前十名的国家包括墨西哥、克罗地亚、圣卢西亚这样的热门旅游目的地,以及贝宁和乌兹别克斯坦这种比较冷门的目的地。Other countries to make the 10 top picks include popular favorites such as Mexico, Croatia and St. Lucia, as well as lesser visited spots such as Benin and Uzbekistan.《孤独星球》选出的最佳旅游城市第一名是肯尼亚首都内罗比,选择理由是“独一无二的节奏、令人叫绝的当地风味餐厅,以及定期推出的艺术和文化展演”。距离内罗毕市中心商业区只有短暂车程的内罗毕国家公园也很赞,你可以看到400多种动物在广阔的草原上漫步,向远望去你还能看到摩天大楼划破天际。The top city on Lonely Planet list is Nairobi, the Kenyan capital, which the travel giant loves for its “unique rhythms, impressive array of locally inspired restaurants, and steady rotation of arts and culture venues.” We love it also for Nairobi National Park, just a short drive out of the city’s central business district, where you can see more than 400 species roaming the open grass plains while skyscrapers twinkle on the skyline.2024年夏季奥运会和残奥会的主办城市巴黎也跻身榜单,常年吸引大量游客的布拉格则是另一个上榜的欧洲国家首都。《孤独星球》表示,新冠封锁措施让捷克首都能够“按下重启键”,开始推崇“慢旅游和市中心以外的景点”。Paris, host of the 2024 Summer Olympics and Paralympics, is also on the list, as is Prague, another European capital which is no stranger to tourist crowds. Lonely Planet says the Covid-19 lockdown has allowed the Czech capital to “hit the reset button” and to promote “slow tourism and attractions away from the city center.”《孤独星球》2024年全球最佳旅游目的地榜单Lonely Planet’s Best in Travel 2024最佳旅游国家  Countries 蒙古  Mongolia 印度  India 摩洛哥  Morocco 智利  Chile 贝宁  Benin 墨西哥  Mexico 乌兹别克斯坦  Uzbekistan 巴基斯坦  Pakistan 克罗地亚  Croatia 圣卢西亚  St. Lucia 




